How I work with clients in my virtual clinic


Case Review

In the first consultation via Zoom a detailed health and medical history, including diet and lifestyle, is taken during a 90-minute one-on-one consultation. Appropriate lab work and/or functional testing (including stool tests/ comprehensive urinary hormone tests/ hair mineral analysis) will be discussed and ordered. Janine has global access to a variety of labs and supplement suppliers.


Feedback of results and treatment plan

During the 2nd consultation factors underlying your health conditions will be thoroughly explained in easy to understand language. Discussion of lab results and bespoke treatment plan presented – this includes individualised diet and lifestyle recommendations. Supportive supplementation is recommended according to your unique lab results. Budgetary constraints will be considered.


Ongoing support

During further follow-up consultations your response to treatment is monitored and the program adjusted accordingly for optimal results. Ongoing support is offered.



On completion of the primary plan and symptom resolution, a maintenance program is offered.
The entire program is not a quick fix and requires time and commitment to significant dietary and lifestyle changes for optimal results.


What a happy client who followed
the 4 step program has to say:

“I suffered from severe abdominal pain, anxiety, panic attacks for a large part of my life. The pain in my stomach was so severe that sometimes I nearly fainted! After seeing many doctors and having a colonoscopy and gastroscopy done, all they could tell me was that I had IBS. But no matter what I did the pain and discomfort would not go away. It started affecting my private life and made me feel insecure, and the anxiety worsened.

Then a friend suggested I consult Janine. Janine immediately had all my blood tests done to see what was going on in my body and suggested following a gluten, dairy, and sugar-free diet. Apart from prescribing the right supplements and eating plan, most importantly she taught me how to find ‘me’ time and space where I can recharge.

If by chance I eat something that doesn’t agree with me, she is just a phone call away with her hands-on support. Within a couple of days, I am back on track, whereas in the past the recovery took so long. I am now handling my stress; my anxiety has gone, my eating has improved. Nowadays I’m healthier, and most importantly am pain-free!”