”I have been seeing Janine Dobson for the past 4 years. I was completely desperate, as, previously, I had seen numerous doctors and no one could tell me what was wrong with me. Janine has helped me work on my foundation, the core of what was wrong with me, and has helped me heal my body. She is super professional, a great listener and advisor. She takes the time to explain things to you. It has been quite a journey, and today I am much stronger physically and mentally. I’m now on a maintenance plan with the right supplements and advice from Janine, I am able to lead a ‘normal’ life and have the energy to do things that, previously, I was too weak to do.”



”I have always found that Janine is able to advise on a wide array of health problems, due to her passion for creating balanced health. Her advice is based on thorough research and endless study balanced with compassion for her individual client’s needs. Janine knows how hard these changes can be to make, but also how much you will benefit from your improved health. She will therefore encourage and motivate you with her knowledge, and support you to get to that healthier place."
“At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, I can honestly say that Janine Dobson has changed my life. She changed my attitude to food and my understanding of what ‘feeding’ my body actually involved. The changes were verified by all my blood tests but the difference in the way I felt, physically and (surprisingly to me!) emotionally, were immeasurable. My friends and neighbours have been prompted to start seeing Janine and my husband and son are also benefitting hugely after seeing her, and we have all learned how many ‘medically-based symptoms’ can be changed with diet, supplements and a qualified and caring nutritionist.”



“I had chronic, debilitating bilious migraines that became more and more severe over the years. Despite all my efforts I could not get to the bottom of the problem and was losing hope. During the first session with Janine she pinpointed what was happening. I rigorously followed the diet and took the supplements she recommended, checking in with her every so often. She works with a deep understanding of my sensitive system and keeps up to date with the latest research, answering all my questions. I have recommended her to a great many people with health issues. In fact, I tell them that she saved my life.”